Tilda Publishing
Owner of online shop for cool printed design.

Cute kids shop

Cool printed designs
for kids of all age
(from 0 to 100+)

Cute Kids shop introduces
two of my online shops:

1.'Myartbomb5' shop
on Redbubble.
on Etsy

My online shop on Redbubble.com

incuded 4 collections:
Fantasy, Pet lover,
Fairy tale, London.
go shopping
Some of my designs you could find only on Redbubble,
some of them only on Etsy.

My online shop
on Etsy

The shop has sections:
Puppies for kids, Funny kids.
go shopping

About me

Hello Dear Friend.
My name is Volha. I love design
and started experimenting
with different ideas in my progects.
I just opened my online shops
and I will be greatful,
if you give me feedback about
my designs.What do you like
and what I need to change?
Maybe, you want me to create
very personal design for you.
I will be happy to help!
Also, I'm a children's author.
Some of my designs was created
for my first book
'Magical World of Childhood.'
If you spend on my design
£40 or more, I will sent you
free book signed by me.

My contacts:

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